News from the Shelter: THE BUGS CRAWL IN, THE BUGS CRAWL OUT! (Copy)

UPDATE: Eighteen months ago we made an appeal for funds to help eradicate heartworm at the SFD shelter (see below). Thanks to generous donations, we have been able to test the dogs periodically and provide heartworm prevention. This year we are experiencing one of the worst TICK seasons in memory! (OK, we know ticks are not a “bug”, but we couldn’t resist a snappy headline.) The ground the SFD shelter stands on experienced a lot of spring dampness, and that brought out the ticks. The shelter had to borrow from food money to buy tick medication and we would like to help pay them back. Each $15 donation will cover the cost of tick control for one dog.

Tick control medications and yummy treats to hide them in are lined up and ready to go.

More funds will be needed for the treatment phase, which can take several months, then re-testing and prevention year-round. The prevention is given monthly on the dogs’ food, and if we are able to provide this we can eradicate the heartworm problem forever. Please if you can, donate to help SFD handle this outbreak before heartworm turns to heartbreak.