As of September 2022, the SFD shelter is home to 65 of its own dogs and cares for another 100 dogs boarded by a separate rescue organization. Every day workers make sure the dogs are fed and have access to fresh water. Paddocks and dog houses are cleaned and kept in repair. All dogs receive basic veterinary care, and more and more of the older dogs require special attention. SFD has never euthanized a dog with a treatable condition.

Support from donors like you is critical to caring for these dogs:
$100 will pay for examinations, vaccinations & a passport for travel to a new home
$50 will cover all routine costs for one dog for a month
$25 will pay for one dog’s food and water for a month
$10 will pay for a worker to care for one dog for a month
$5 will pay for a dog’s routine vet care for one month
In addition, we always have special fundraising campaigns - check out our current ones on the “What’s New” page.

It is often said that no donation is too small and that is so true! In addition to raising funds, it is vital to our tax-exempt status to show a wide base of supporters. A gift in any amount will help us continue our mission. Donate below through PayPal to or by mail to P.O. Box 911, Sausalito, CA 94965.