New HoPE at SFD

“After my first trip to Romania in May 2016, I knew I wanted to contribute to improving the living conditions for the dogs there, to promote spay and neuter and to reduce the suffering of the street dogs. In October 2016 my friend and I founded Homeless Paws Endeavour (HoPE). By the end of the month, we received non-profit status with permission to import and place dogs and to operate foster homes.

“Shortly after we founded HoPE, a friend in Bucharest told us about Semper Fidelis Domus. We gladly agreed to help them, and in December little ten-year-old Fetitia became the first of many dogs placed by HoPE in Germany.


“The next year in Romania I met Mrs. Bogza, the founder of SFD. I was immediately drawn to her warmth, her loving treatment of her dogs and the cleanliness of the shelter. After that, all my visits have included a stop at SFD. Leela, who you see in these picture, was one of my SFD ‘heart dogs’. She was always the first to greet me and the last to say goodbye on my visits. (In March 2019, she was adopted at the age of ten.)

“In August 2017, an emergency pushed us forward quickly. The public shelter in Braila started publishing its dreaded ‘kill lists’. Over 200 dogs were killed that winter, but we were able to save 400 others. We had to rush to find housing for them and they ended up in several locations. (including a few at SFD.) It was not sustainable. As more and more SFD dogs were relocated, the solution became obvious: HoPE needed space and had funds available for housing, while SFD had space and needed funds for operations. An agreement was reached! We now have a safe place with good care for our dogs and can take in more dogs in need. And our payments cover nearly half of SFD’s average monthly costs to run the shelter.

Kathrin & Leela at SFD

“Of course, we support SFD not only by paying monthly fees, but also by collecting donations in kind and money. We have already been able to deliver several food donations, contribute to repair costs for the kennels, and help procure necessary equipment such as travelling crates. We are happy to work with other SFD supporters in the U.S. and U.K. to keep SFD operating and all the dogs healthy.

“Mrs. Bogza and her staff have become very dear to us. We look forward to seeing them soon as restrictions are lifted and we once again travel to visit our dogs in Romania.”

Below: Kathrin greeting Leela on her arrival in Germany and Leela in her new home. Read “ Happy Endings” for Orpheus and Cherry to learn more about HoPE’s work for SFD dogs..