News from the Shelter: HEARTWORM

UPDATE: Eighteen months ago we made an appeal for funds to help eradicate heartworm at the SFD shelter (see below). Thanks to generous donations, we have been able to test the dogs routinely and provide heartworm prevention.

The SFD shelter provides veterinary care to all of its dogs, but resources are limited and the care is not “state-of-the-art.” Historically, heartworm prevention was limited to warmer months and testing was done only when dogs were being prepared for travel or displayed symptoms. For years this was adequate and relatively few cases developed. All that has changed with global warming. Summers in Romania have grown warmer and hot weather extends further into spring and autumn. Last year the heat combined with heavy rains. The result: the dreaded heartworm-bearing mosquito.

HW Diagram 2.jpg

As you can see here, the disease starts when a mosquito becomes infected with heartworm larvae, which are transmitted when the mosquito bites a healthy dog. In time the larvae mature and infest the dog’s heart. The dog may lose energy, develop a cough, and lose weight despite a normal diet. If left untreated, the dog will die.

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Suddenly this summer, SFD dogs being prepared to travel started testing positive for heartworm more and more often. It became clear there was an infestation. Thanks to a generous donor, tests have been procured and the staff has begun testing ALL shelter dogs for heartworm. They have already identified many dogs, who have no symptoms but are infected.

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More funds will be needed for the treatment phase, which can take several months, then re-testing and prevention year-round. The prevention is given monthly on the dogs’ food, and if we are able to provide this we can eradicate the heartworm problem forever. Please if you can, donate to help SFD handle this outbreak before heartworm turns to heartbreak.

UpdateCate ElstenHeartworm