"Finaluri Fericite" (Happy endings): Berkeley

The Amazing Story of Berkeley


One of our most dedicated volunteers in the U.K. , Sue E-N, had already rescued multiple dogs, including Alfie, a blind adoptee from SFD. A long-time friend of hers asked if she knew of an older dog in need of a home, as he had lost his old dog four months prior. The gentleman himself was older, but healthy and a volunteer for the “Cinnamon Trust,” helping elderly people with their pets. Sue inquired of Mrs. B if SFD had such a dog and received this sad photo and an even sadder story. “Blacky,” as he was called then, lived his early years with other dogs in a graveyard in Bucharest. The ladies who sold candles at the church door fed them. But one day they contacted Mrs. B: The dog catchers were coming to take the dogs to a kill shelter! Could Mrs. B please take them? Of course, Mrs. B took Blacky and his mates to the safety of SFD where he stayed for five years. Blacky seemed the perfect choice for Sue’s friend! The gentleman fenced his garden, bought all the supplies he would need, and looked forward to welcoming Blackie, who he meant to rename “Berkeley.”

Berkeley made the long journey to England. But just as he arrived, fate had another cruel twist: The gentleman suddenly died. Where was Berkeley to go? Of course, Sue could not turn her back on him. She took Berkeley home with her. Sue knew from experience it would take time for Berkeley and her dogs to adjust to each other. For the first few months, Berkeley lived in a summer house, with a heater, radio and dog flap. He had access to a big yard and Sue and her wonderful husband Dave spent time with him every day. What happened next should be no surprise: Berkeley and the other dogs became friends and he moved into the house. Sue reports he is now a “very fit 14 year old” and “a fantastic ratter!”

As rags to riches stories go, we will never top the story of Berkeley…