Kathrin’s Story: “I met kennel-mates Cherry and Orpheus for the first time in June 2017. They had come to SFD as puppies and had grown up and lived their whole lives in the shelter, now growing older together. The affection they had for each other was immediately apparent.

“In May 2018, we found a foster home for Cherry. Given the dogs’ ages, an opportunity might not come again, so we took the chance: Cherry went to Germany and Orpheus was left behind.

Orpheus with Cherry at shelter.jpg

“Unfortunately, both dogs struggled with the separation. Both initially refused food. Orpheus rejected new kennel mates. Cherry was vetted from nose to tail, but every test result was normal. It was clear: The dogs were mourning. Cherry passed from foster to prospective adopter to foster, and even once ran away, but finally began to eat normally and take relaxed walks. For Orpheus, too, normalcy returned. He got a new kennel-mate with whom he got along. But before long she, too, moved out, and likewise the next one. Orpheus was left behind again and again.

“Finally, our dear friend and experienced foster mom Marion took Cherry as a ‘permanent foster.’ She would live her life with Marion, with costs supported by HoPE. Marion knew of Orpheus, and always wished she could take him, too. Just before Christmas 2020, everyone’s wish came true - Marion was able to take Orpheus!”

The two old friends fell in love again as though the past two years were forgotten. After a long odyssey, they were finally reunited. This time in a home with their own loving humans. This time, forever.

”Orpheus alone in shelter” photo copyright Kathrin Arnold and used with her express permission for purposes of this site only."