Hi! I’m Vincent! They told me to look at the camera for my photo, but there was the MOST interesting bug on the floor…

I am about seven years old and I don’t have many memories of life before we came here. I do remember being out in the woods. We were mostly with Mama, but sometimes she left to find food and the sounds around us scared us. She was never gone for long; she got thinner and thinner and then she had no milk for us. One day she told us we would have to walk to find food. It was scary because we were next to a road with big machines flying by. We were afraid, but then we got so hungry we didn’t care. We kept following Mama. Sometimes we forgot she couldn’t feed us and we chased her and cried.

Finally, we reached the place we were going, and Mama was right (mamas are always right!) They had amazing food and lots of it, special food for us puppies, and enough for Mama that she could give us milk again. She became rounder and we all grew up big and healthy. Now we live in a paddock together. Every day we bark at the other dogs and sometimes at things we can’t see, and we play games with each other.

I wonder what life is like in other places? I would like to find out. The people who take care of us here are nice and I wish I could follow them when they leave some day. But for now, it would good just to have a special person to pay for my food every month. Maybe it could be you?


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