Update: DNA tests proved that Mama Cayo had no identifiable pit bull ancestry. A shelter in Germany has found a place for her, and we hope she will travel in October.

My name is Cayo, but please call me Mama - everyone does. My story starts out sadly but ends with hope

I was very young when I found myself pregnant and abandoned. I had four beautiful puppies all by myself in the woods. But the wild is not always kind to mothers and their young ones. After a while, I became desperate. Every day I had to make a terrible choice between staying to guard my pups and finding food for myself. I was so hungry, but how could I leave them? As soon as they could walk, I decided we would head toward a distant sound of dogs barking. I was afraid, but maybe there would be food there.

The big machines flew by us and after a long time I didn’t think I could go on. Then, a miracle happened. Just as we came near the place of the barking, a woman jumped out of a car and called to some other humans. They rounded up me and the pups and took us all to a clean, safe place. And they fed us the best food! I went from having ribs you could count to being a healthy dog, and my puppies grew bigger every day.


You can read more about us in the blog for the “Pitbull Project”. We are hoping that it gives us a chance to find homes with humans. While we wait to see, we would all appreciate having a sponsor to help us out.

To sponsor Mama, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.