Hello there, my name is Hermes. It used to be Romeo but I changed it when I heard a story about a very fast runner named Hermes. Because I am the fastest dog here! When our food comes I am always the first one to my bowl, and when they come to poke us with “vaccines” I lead them on a chase to catch me. (I got a special treat for standing still for this picture.)

The place we live in has lots of paddocks for lots of dogs. I live in a big paddock with my mama, my two brothers and my sister. All our pictures will probably be here soon, but one brother is very shy and hides when he sees a camera and my sister likes to be off by herself.

My siblings and I are about seven years old. I don’t remember much about about how we came here, just that we were all cold and hungry and a nice lady found us outside the shelter and brought us in. And so we have been here ever since.

Sometimes dogs travel away, and the people who care for us seem happy and sad at the same time. I would love an adventure, so even though I would miss my family, I would like to try going away. I heard a human say I could not because I am part “pitbull”. I don’t know what that means - I am a very happy (and handsome) dog, so maybe some day that will not matter. While I wait to find out, I would like to have a special human who helps to support me.


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