Hello, my name is Silviea and it means “a woman of the woods.” Read on and you will see how I got my name!

I was found eight years ago in the Lucianca Forest. The Forest is beautiful and has an adventure park where little humans come with their families to climb trees and have outdoor adventures. It is lucky for me that people visit there, because there I was found with my brothers and sisters - four little puppies, less than three months old and all alone. We walked toward the sounds of the little humans, but we were very cautious. We knew there were things in the forest that could gobble us up!

The first humans we saw shooed us away, but then a nice little girl told her mother about us. They brought us to stay with Doamna B. She put us into two kennels where we could always see each other.

I am still shy with people. I think in my heart I will always be a wild woman of the woods. When the autumn comes and trees at the shelter turn colors I remember the forest a little. But I am safe and warm here. Would you sponsor me to help keep me this way?


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