My name is Benno. One of the ladies who visits us sometimes was joking around and said I was “bueno” but somehow it became Benno and that is who I am.

I have been here at the shelter for a pretty long time. I was living in the Lucianca Forest with my mother and my brother and sister. There are lots and lots of dogs there. Some, like my mother, once lived with humans but were abandoned. Others, like me, are pups of the abandoned dogs. One day the lady we call Doamna B came and talked softly to my mother. Mama decided we could trust her, so we all came here to the shelter.

We all lived in the same area and were happy. First my mother and then my sister went away. But the humans were happy about this, so I do not think they died - I think they “went to England” or “to Germany.” Word is that dogs go there to find humans to live with.

So here we are, my brother Balino and me, and we live together. We have a special hobby: We bark at things. We bark at the other dogs to tease them, and we bark at birds and little animals, and sometimes we go “aroooo, aroooo” just for fun. One of the ladies from England who visited here started calling me “Sir Bark-a-Lot,” and they all seemed to think that was pretty funny.

That is my story. Unlike my mother and sister, Balino and I are kind of wary of humans, so I don’t know if we will ever go somewhere else. But it would be a very nice thing if we had human friends from far away to help pay for our food!

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