
Male - Brorn 2012 - Grey, Brown and Black

Please let me introduce myself: I am Nico, son of Nancy and one of four brothers.

I have no memory of living anywhere but in this shelter. Mama remembered the forest, and even before that she remembered living in a house with humans. I don’t know what happened to those humans, but Mama had no hard feelings. She has always been friendly with humans and happy to see the ones who come to give us food and water, and to check our health.

We brothers all grew up here. One by one, my brothers were chosen to “go to Germany.” Every dog here hopes for that, even the shy ones like me, because we know it is the first step toward finding a human family to live with - like Mama remembers so fondly.

Yes, I admit it: I am shy of people. It is funny, because Mama is so friendly with them and she always encouraged me. I try to be brave when they come, but most of the time I give up and run back in my house.

It is no surprise that Mama herself was just chosen to “go to Germany.” She left in August. And now it is just me. I am a little lonely here. Dogs always like to have someone to be with.

Doamna B tells me that the ladies in Germany know I am lonely and are looking very hard to find a place for me there. I am a little scared by the thought of that, but if it happens I know I will be brave and hopeful. Even if I cry a little at first.

While I am waiting, maybe someone like you could be my long-distance friend. That would help me get used to the idea of having a human friend. And I know Mama would be grateful to you, because she worried about me when she left.

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