
Male - Est. Born 2013 - Gray, Tan and Black

I am Marvin and you should know right now that I am a TOUGH DOG, even though I look soft and soulful in this picture.

I am one of four brothers. Yes, four! Our poor mama, she had her paws full with us. After she had us we were all turned out in the forest and mama had to work hard to find food for us and keep us safe. We all tried to help her find food when we could, but - well, we were quick but not yet very clever.

We were in the forest for about a month when someone told Doamna B about us and she came and brought all of us back to the shelter. We were all in one paddock together and Doamna B’s helper Nina took care of us. Which included breaking up our fights, heh heh.

Then something terrible happened. One day everything seemed fine just as usual. Mama was asleep - but she never woke up. There was nothing about her that seemed sick or not right. She was just here when we woke up in the morning and gone by the time night fell. Doamna B and Nina cried over her.

I am a little embarrassed to say that without Mama to run the show, we brothers got to be what they call “a handful.” We were separated into two paddocks. I live with Finn. And sometimes I steal his food. I told you I was tough.

Finn and I are sort of scared of people, so it is not very likely that we would travel. I hope that even though I have told you the absolute truth about me, you might decide to be my sponsor. I am really not a bad dog, and I would always thank you in my own heart.

To sponsor Marvin, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.