
Male - Est. Born 2008 - Tan with Black

I am CHIM and I am very happy to make your acquaintance! Always glad to meet somebody new.

I know a lot of the dogs here will tell you their memories of the forest. Well, my story is different: I was a CITY dog. Since I was just a young pup, I ran around on the streets. I was very cool, but life on the streets could be hard. Food was scarce and sometimes just when I found something good, a bigger dog would come and take it away.

When a man came with really good food bits, I was happy to follow him back to his business. He rented out equipment, kept outside in a big dirt yard. He shut me in the yard and explained the deal: He would bring me food and water, and I would keep people from stealing the equipment. It sounded fair to me. There were about a dozen dogs already there, and they had no complaints.

But then everything changed. The man came to the yard crying about “going bankrupt.” He forgot to feed us one day - then another day. After a few days, we finally realized he wasn’t coming back. And there we were, trapped in the yard!

We were so lucky, because someone told Doamna B about us and she brought us all back to the shelter. The people here have never failed to feed us, not one single day, even when times are hard!

I’m hoping that pretty soon I get to travel! Yes, I know I’m getting on the old side, but I’m still full of energy and I still love people! If you could just spare me a little until then? I would thank you very kindly.

To sponsor Chim, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.

Cate Elsten