
Female - Est. Born 2014 - Tan with Black

Hi! My name is Dora and I am one of three sisters: Dolly, Dora and Daria.

We don’t know who our mother and father were. A visitor here said, “It is pretty clear one of them was a German Shepherd!” I’m not sure what made them think that, but it sounded like a good thing so we don’t object.

The reason we don’t know our parents is that we were found in “Padurea Lucianca” - a forest near here. Sometimes bad people with a dog who becomes a mama throw the puppies away and keep the mama. Doamna B could never look at puppies like us and just walk away. Lucky for us she found us!

Dolly, Daria and I all lived in the same paddock our whole lives. Then last year, Daria was chosen to “travel,” which means she leaves and goes to a place where families are looking for dogs. We heard that a family came and got her, and they sent a picture of her looking very happy.

Dolly and I think maybe this could happen for us! We are mostly friendly with people - just a little bit shy, and not so very old. While we wait to see if a family finds us, maybe you could be our sponsor? One of us or both, we do not mind. It would just make us feel like people realize what very good dogs we are.

To sponsor Dora, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.

Cate Elsten