
Female - Est. Born 2013 - Red, White and Black

I was living in the forest with my whole family:  My mama, my three sisters and two brothers.  The forest was frightening, and Mama had to fight with other dogs to keep us safe and guard our food.  We were afraid of humans, but Mama was not.  When a human came to take us, Mama said we should go with her.  We went to a shelter, where we had our own space.  There were still many dogs but they were in their own spaces and Mama was with us, so we felt safe.

That all changed when Mama went away.  The humans here say she “went to Germany” and it is a good place, but….I don’t know.  Maybe we were too young when she left; maybe we thought that there was nobody now to protect us from the other dogs if they got into our space.  We become very fearful and try to hide when the humans come.  They are nice to us, but we are just so afraid until we are left alone again.

Because I am so shy they say it will be hard for me to find a family, even though I am a “pretty little dog.”  Well, I am happy with the family I have.  But it would be nice if we had sponsors to make sure we keep getting food without having to fight for it.


To sponsor Angelika, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.