Female - Est. Born 2009 - Grey, Brown and Black

I am Malu, yes, and now they call me the Grand Old Lady here. I suppose I am. Florin, Floria, Chris, Colina, Marie…all the ones from my day, gone. Some were lucky enough to travel, some moved on to a place where I hope all dogs run free.

My life had a hard start. I think, I think long ago maybe I belonged to people. But I became pregnant and they turned me out. Other people were not kind, they chased me wherever I went. One day I wasn’t quick enough running across the railroad tracks and my foot was smashed. It hurt so badly, and I had four puppies to care for by then.

Snow came. The winters here are hard. We reached the end, just curled together in the snow, and I though maybe it would be best if we all just fell asleep.

But a miracle happened! A woman found us, she took us to a building, she fed us good scraps and she let us sleep inside on blankets. The next day another woman came. She took me from my puppies and I cried, but when it was all over and I was back with my pups I realized they had removed my bad foot. It felt so good that it was gone, and when I was young I did just fine without it!

My puppies grew. My one poor little girl died, “of cancer” the people said. But my other three grew up and got to travel and I hope went to homes with kind people.

I suppose I am too old and tired to travel now. For thirteen years, Doamna B. has made sure that I am fed and havewater and a little house to curl up in when it is hot or cold. I know she will never turn me out like those first people. But I know she worries about paying the costs for me and the others. If you could help her out, it would be a great kindness.

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