UPDATE! Our orphan Roxy and her brother Rusty now have a sponsor! While we continue to hope for a home for them, they are now secure with friends to cover their costs at the SFD shelter!

My name is Roxy and my brother’s name is Rusty. We are very close. We live together, we eat the same food, we bark at the same things and we hide in our house together. Our stories are exactly the same.

We were living in the forest with our mother. One day she left and did not come back. We are sure something bad happened, because she would never leave us otherwise. It was scary as we were very small. We stayed hidden for as long as we could, but finally we were so hungry we had to go look for food.

We walked and walked until we came to a thick hedge. If we had not been so small, we could not have gotten through. When we did, we almost wished we had not! Huge machines were running by us faster than any animal. We froze where we were, half inside the hedge and not knowing what to do.

Then one smaller machine slowed down and stopped at the roadside. Two ladies got out and began to talk to us very softly. We were afraid of them, but if we walked away the fast machines would surely eat us. So we decided we would let the ladies pick us up. They brought us here and put us together with a little house we share, and here we are ‘til this day.

The humans who care for us are nice, although sometimes they trap us and give us pokes they call “shots.” We are a little sorry that we have never become used to being touched by them. We may not be picked to travel anywhere, so we need to find sponsors who will guarantee our care. Thank you for reading our story. Perhaps that sponsor will be you.

To sponsor Roxy, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.

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