Lisette & Lilly Girl (see update)

Females - Born 2011 - Cream with Markings

UPDATE: It is with sadness that we report Luisa, on the right side in this photo, died in her sleep on September 10. Her daughters still need sponsors, so we have left the family photo here, and their story “in Luisa’s words.”

Hello, and very nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Luisa and these are my daughters, Lisette and Lilly Girl. Aren’t they beautiful?

I was barely grown myself when I met their father. He was a handsome dog with a charming personality. Things went as they usually do. As many good qualities as we dogs possess, our males are not known for being attentive parents. So there I was, alone in the forest with two small pups.

One day we wandered into a nice field of tall grass. The pups nursed then we all fell asleep. But we were awakened by the roar of a huge grass-eating machine! It came closer and closer - how could we run away in time? But just as it was upon us, it stopped and a man climbed down. He left then returned with a woman. She talked to us so softly, and was so gentle with the pups, that I decided not to growl at her. She moved us to a paddock all to ourselves. That is where my pups grew up, and that is where we live.

We are all shy of humans - I am not a very good role model for this. We are fed and safe, yet I know the humans worry about paying for our food. Might you sponsor one of us? Or even two? Three is more than I hope for, but any gift at all would be nice.

To sponsor Lisette or Lilly Girl, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.