
Female - Est. Born 2013 - Red, White and Black

My name is Bonnie and I am one of the “four beautiful sisters,” as Doamna B always calls us. Angelika is one of my sisters - perhaps you have met her already, her picture is here, too.

My story is the same as Angelika’s but I will tell you about some things she forgot. Yes, we puppies were living in the forest with our mama. But there were six puppies to start - we four sisters and two brothers. Our poor little brothers were killed: One was poisoned by something he ate and one was hit by a car. That it why mama wanted us to go with the nice lady who had been watching us and leaving food.

This first lady was not Doamna B, but she knew her. She told Doamna B about us, and of course Doamna B said we could come and live at her shelter. So that is how we came here.

Mama was very friendly with humans, so she soon went to a home of her own. I know she wanted to take us all, but that is just not how things work. We four sisters are shy with humans, so we are all still here.

We live in two paddocks now. I live with Marilee and Angelika lives with Alisa. We are close enough that we can all see each other.

I know the humans would like us to go to an inside home with a human family. Perhaps someday it will happen. Just in case it takes longer, though, we would like to have a special sponsor to make sure we are always care for. Please help us if you can.

To sponsor Bonnie, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.

Cate Elsten