Female - Est. Born 2012

My name is Stella. It means “star.” Sometimes I think of that at night when all the other dogs are finally quiet and the sky is clear and I can see the stars.

My brother Sam and our sister and I were taken away from our mama and left out in the forest when we were very, very small. We were not old enough to get our own food or even to hide to be safe. We were so lucky when a very nice lady found us and took us back to this shelter. Our sister was not strong enough to live, and Sam needed special food, so we were separated. But we both grew bigger and stronger and were together again, and very happy to have each other’s company.

Sam is such a funny dog! We do not look at all alike. I am tall and he is short. My fur is short and sleek and his is long and wiry. We both have white muzzles, but Sam’s is like an old man’s beard! Last April Sam was chosen to travel to “Babenhausen.” I heard our caretakers say he should find a family there. Well, what am I but family? But I think they meant a human family. They will probably think Sam is funny, too.

I am a little lonely here now. I am still shy with humans, but I am starting to think I might like to travel away, too. While I am waiting, it would be good to have a sponsor to make sure I am taken care of.

To sponsor Stella, hit “donate” and make sure to specify “monthly donation”. A silver sponsorship is $25, gold is $35 and platinum is $50. Partial sponsorships in any amount over $5 are welcome. All sponsors will receive three updates throughout the year, and platinum sponsors will receive a year-end video.