New Organization, Old Friends

Always Loyal Dog Rescue is very happy to work with UMBRA CANIS, a new German organization founded by our good friends Daniela and Victoria. Starting in April 2020, before Umbra Canis was founded, Daniela privately worked to help dogs in the SFD shelter. Many dogs have already been able to travel to German animal shelters and find their homes from there thanks to her. Now Daniela and Victoria have joined forces to continue work for SFD and other needy dogs. They often seek to find creative solutions for older, special needs or unsocialized dogs like “Sany”, shown here: First wary and frightened at the shelter then at a special new foster home that will teach him how to live life as a family dog. Here is what Daniela and Victoria have to say:


Sany at SFD Shelter

“Hello! We would like to introduce ourselves to you. We are currently still a very small team, but we have been actively involved in animal protection for years and are now formally organized under §11 Para.1 No.5 of Germany’s Animal Welfare Act. We do our rescue work on a voluntary basis, in addition to our full-time jobs, families and caring for our own animals. We do our work with heart and mind and invest a lot of time.”

Daniela says: “I really felt a special pull toward Romanian animal welfare and was able to visit there and witness the situation first-hand. I adopted my first Romanian dog, Aisha, in 2014. I am now the proud owner of three rescued dogs and three cats. My animals are not ‘perfect’! We live with one or the other quirk, bu are happy that we were able to give a loving home to animals without a chance who would have died soon in their country of origin. That makes me happy every day. And they accompany me to my work as a psychotherapist - I’m very proud of that!”

Sany’s New Friends

Victoria says: “For as long as I can remember, animals have been in my family and have played an important role for me. In addition to a rescued blind horse and a cat from Romania, former street dog Kimana is also part of my family. Already on several trips to Romania I was able to understand the situation, and ‘looking away’ was out of the question for me. Every day I try to make the world a bit better, and I hope that for many dogs we can exchange the dreary shelter life for a loving family. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than finding a suitable ‘forever home’ for an abandoned animal, or to prevent it from falling into bad hands.”

“We hope that our team will gradually grow and that we will be able to introduce you to more volunteers soon!”

Below Left: Daniela Below Right: Victoria